Mike Crews - Bob Thibodaux - Peter Brill - Pat Brill - The Smith Family - Barbara Stars - Alan Strecker - Brenda & Lois - Edward McGowan Jr - The Kay Family - Chris and Brenda Amicarelle - The Curtis Family - Van, Tha, and Maggie Tran - Weston Schober - Sylvia Cruz - Dan Costello - Margret Neuffer - Steve Lloyd - Stephen Bell - Emmanuel Okafer - Dan and Nancy McCaskill - Robert Strecker and the repose of Jackie Strecker - The repose of the soul of Martha Lambert - Mary Okyne - Rose Trecroci - The Repose of the soul of Ruth McNeal - The Repose of the soul of Teresa Dyess - The repose of the soul of Ronald Walsh
I Plead With You -
Never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid
- Pope John Paul II -
This is the Prayer List of our Council. Our members strive to pray for each person on this list at 9pm each day. If you know of someone who needs to be added to our list, please let our Prayer Team know, prayers@kofc5407.org.
Current Prayer List
Knights of Columbus
North Jacksonville CounCil #5407
Please submit your prayer request with this form
Knights of Columbus Council #5407 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.